Utility programs are essential to shaping equitable access to clean, affordable energy. This white paper, developed in partnership with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), provides an in-depth analysis of utility program designs and pricing structures. It identifies the key barriers that prevent disadvantaged communities from fully benefiting from these programs.

Download our white paper to:

  • Understand the current structures and limitations of customer-facing utility programs across the U.S.
  • Discover how utilities can evolve their rate structures to offer more inclusive, effective programs.
  • Explore key motivations behind utility program design—such as technology adoption, capacity expansion, and regulatory compliance.

Key Findings:

  • Utility Program Design: Utilities design programs with a focus on financial incentives, but program bias toward “typical” customers often leaves out marginalized communities.
  • Rate Structures: Limited pricing options for customer classes create barriers, especially for low-income households.
  • Challenges: Ineffective program marketing and lack of metrics hinder the impact and accessibility of existing programs.

By reading this report, you’ll gain actionable insights into how utilities can align their programs with equitable energy access and improve the way they serve all communities, particularly those most in need.